Celebrating childhood. - Braxton Rayemyer

Celebrating childhood.

Celebrating childhood. What does that mean to you?


As we welcomed our third and probably final child into the world on January 15, 2022, the thought that occurred to us was just how fast this time would fly by. We had been here twice before.


Our oldest was born May 15, 2013 and we felt like we had been blessed with all the time in the world to love him and enjoy the process of raising him. A short 18 months later we welcomed our daughter on November 15, 2014. Since those days life has been a blur.


From years of us being in school while they were little, to building careers, to being involved at church when and where possible, family life has been a fast paced carousel. Through it all, we have shared some extremely precious times together and will forever cherish our memories. We are often saddened with how fast the years have flown and often wish we can stop time in its tracks to keep our kids little as we quickly see their time with us flying by.


Now, with our third child we have committed to celebrating every little detail, cherishing every little milestone, and not taking for granted one single day. We have seen firsthand just how little time we have. Gone are the days of "I can't wait until..." We can wait, because the alternative is the fast passing of time that will one day be seen as "the good 'ol days." We won't wish away a single day.


So with every moment we as a family will celebrate our time. Celebrate our love for each other. Celebrate our quirks and sillinesses. And above all "Celebrate childhood."

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